Book Chapters
"El enverdecimiento de las Américas: Mecanismos de gobernanza del capital." in Estudios del Trabajo Desde el Sur, V. 3. Repensar el Sur Desde el Estaliido. (Ed.) Álvaro Galliorio & Dasten Julián, pp. 19-38, 2020
"Quem paga pelo Protocolo de Kyoto? A venda de oxigênio e a venda de sexo na Costa Rica" in Economia Feminista e Ecológica: Resistências e retomadas de corpos e territórios. (Ed.) Helena Zelic. SOF Sempreviva Organização Feminista, pp. 53-68, 2020.
“The Politics of Sustainable Development: From Rio 1992 to Rio+20 in 2012. A Subsistence View.” Pp. 169-187; and “A Struggle for Clean Water and Livelihood: Canadian Mining in Costa Rica in the Era of Globalization.” Pp. 224-235, in Women in a Globalizing World. Transforming Equality, Development, Diversity and Peace. (Ed.) Angela Miles, 2013.
“Critica al Desarrollo Sustentable: Canjes de Deuda por Naturaleza” in Economía Verde. Apuesta de continuidad del desarrollo desigual y al abuso de los bienes comunes. (Ed.) Gian Carlo Delgado. Ruth Casa Editorial. Panama, pp 104-139, 2013.
“Social Theory, Appalachian Studies, and the Challenge of Global Regions: The UK Rockefeller Fellowship Project, 2000-2004.” Co-authored with Lynne Faltraco, Ana Isla, Betsy Taylor, in Stephanie McSpirit, Lynne Faltraco and Conner Bailey (Eds.) in Academics and Activists: Confronting Ecological and Community Crisis in Appalachia, University of Kentucky Press, 2012.
“Who Pays for Kyoto Protocol? Selling Oxygen and Selling Sex in Costa Rica,” in Eco-Sufficiency and Global Justice, Pluto Press. A collection edited by Ariel Salleh. Pp 199-217, 2009.
“The Tragedy of the Enclosures: An Ecofeminist Perspective on Selling Oxygen and Prostitution in Costa Rica” in Women and Gift Giving: A Radically Different World View Is Possible edited by Genevieve Vaughan, Toronto: Inanna Publications and Education Inc. Pp 157-170, 2007.
“Environmental Economics Reality Check: A Case Study of the Abanico Medicinal Plant and Organic Agriculture Project.” Co-authored with Shirley Thompson. in Natural Capital in Ecology and Economics: An Overview Adam Fenech, Jay Foster, Kirk Hamilton and Roger Hansell (editors). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Publisher: Springer Science + Business Media B.V., Formerly Kluwer Academic Publishers B.V. Vol., 86, Numbers 1-2. July. Pp 171-182. Following the Natural Capital, Poverty and Development Conference organized by Institute for Environmental Studies of the University of Toronto, Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network of Environment Canada, and The World Bank. University of Toronto in September 2004.
“Debt Crisis and Debt-for-Nature Investment in Costa Rica.” in Report on the 25th Annual World-System Conference. Volume I. Connecticut: Greenwood Press. Ed: Wilma A. Dunaway. Pp., 51-68, 2003.
Journal Articles
Perspectivas Ecofeministas y Ecosocialistas sobre el Cambio Climatico: Amenazas a la Madre-Tierra, in Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Costa Rica (17-30), 2020.
"A struggle for clean water and livelihood: Canadian mining in Costa Rica in the era of globalization", in Canadian Woman Studies, 21(4), 148-154.
"An ecofeminist perspective on biopiracy in Latin America", in Signs, 32(2), 323-332."
Comercializacion de la naturaleza para el desarrollo sostenible: Implicaciones para las comunidades de la Fortuna y Z-Trece", in Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 95, 15-31.
"Conga No Va! Los Guardianes de las Lagunas: Defendiendo la Tierra, el Agua y la Libertad en Cajamarca, Peru", in Revista de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Costa Rica. No. 155/45-62.
"Coping with structural adjustment: Women's organizing in Peru", in Canadian Woman Studies, 13(2), 78-84.
“'Enverdeciendo' el Capitalismo: Una Guerra contra la Subsistencia", in Revista de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Costa Rica. No. 151/19-30.
"Forcejeo por mantener el agua limpia y el sustento diario. La mineria Canadiense en Costa Rica en la era del desarrollo sustentable/globalizacion" in Revista El Otro Derecho, 34, 45-59. (Reprinted from Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 97, 137-147).
“Reflecting on the disappearance of siblings... The biographical Family archive Project of Abuelas de la plaza de Mayo” and the Neoliberal agenda, at the VI World Social Forum of Caracas, Venezuela. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 6(1), 36–42.
"Teoría social: La tragedia de los enclaustramientos: Una perspectiva eco-feminista de la venta de oxígeno y la prostitución en Costa Rica", in Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 111-112, 57-69.
"The debt crisis in Latin America: An example of unsustainable development", in Canadian Woman Studies, 13(3), 65-68.
The guardians of Conga lagoons: Defending land, water, and freedom: Defeating mining as sustainable development. Canadian Woman Studies, 30 (2,3), 25-40.
"The "greening" of the UN framework on climate change and environmental racism: What payment for ecosystem services means for peasants and indigenous peoples, women and men", in Canadian Woman Studies, (31), 34-43.
'The politics of sustainable development. A subsistence view", in Canadian Woman Studies, 23(1), 6-16.
The eco-class-race struggles in the Peruvian Amazon basin: An ecofeminist perspective. Capitalism Nature Socialism, 20(3), 21-48.
Book Review of Vakoch, Douglas A., ed. Feminist Ecocriticism. Environment, Women, and Literature. Lexington Books, 2012. Journal: Environmental Philosophy. Volume X (1), pp 127-130, 2013.
"Women, development and the market economy", in Canadian Woman Studies, 13(3), 28-33.
"The 'Greening' of the Americas, in Capitalism Nature Socialism -Vol. 29, No.1, March 2018, p. 25-39.
"¡Conga No Va! Los Guardianes de las Lagunas: Defendiendo la tierra, el agua y la libertad en Cajamarca, Peru", in Ciencias Sociales 155: 45-62 / 2017 (I)
“Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission. A Summary of the Final Report and an Epilogue” in Canadian Woman Studies, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp 40-44, 2009.
“An eco-class-race Struggles on the Amazon Basin: An ecofeminist view” in Capitalism Nature Socialism Vol. 20, No. 3, September. Pp 21-51, 2009.
“The Kyoto Protocol: A War on Subsistence” in Women & Environments International Magazine. No. 74/75 – Spring/Summer. Pp 31-33, 2007.
Panel “… the Biographical Family Archive Project of Abuelas de la Plaza de Mayo” and the Neoliberal Agenda, at the VI World Social Forum of Caracas - Venezuela. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies. Volume 6 (1) pages 36–42. There is also a translation into Spanish, pages 43–50, 2007.
“An Ecofeminist Perspective on Biopiracy in Latin America” in SIGNS – Journal of Women in Culture and Society. The University of Chicago Press. Volume 32. No.2. Pp 323-332, 2007.
“Women, Enclosure, and Accumulation: A Rejoinder to Robert Chapman” in Capitalism Nature Socialism. Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group. Volume 17. No.4. Pp 59-66, 2006.
“Conservation as Enclosure: An eco-feminist perspective on Sustainable Development and Biopiracy in Costa Rica” in Capitalism Nature Socialism. Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group. Vol. 16, No.3, September. Pp 49-61, 2005.